Alcalá de Henares
Autobús interurbano

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Services available for people with:

Movilidad reducida

Reduced mobility

Discapacidad visual

Visual disability

Discapacidad auditiva

Hearing impairment

Discapacidad cognitiva

Cognitive impairment

Otras necesidades de accesibilidad

Other accessibility needs


Alcalá de Henares communicates with Madrid through four daytime bus lines: 223 (Avenida de América-Alcalá Centro), 227 (Avenida de América-Universidad. It only runs from Monday to Friday) and 229 (Avenida de América-Virgen de Val) and 824 (Alcalá - Torrejón de Ardoz- Madrid Airport - Barajas). There is also a night line, the N202.

The city is configured as the center of a radial intercity bus communications system (14 lines) that connect it with almost thirty municipalities in the region and the neighboring Province of Guadalajara, including the capital. They are managed by the Madrid Transport Consortium.

Attached files

Icono hoja

Map of transport in Alcalá de Henares
