PREDIF, the State Representative Platform for People with Physical and Organic Disabilities, is today a benchmark in accessible tourism, presiding over the Inclusive Tourism and Leisure Commission of CERMI (Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with State Disabilities), and its protocols and Accessibility criteria are those agreed upon by the entire disability sector.
Since 2002, PREDIF has been developing an inclusive tourism program through which it works on raising awareness, training, advice and research on accessibility and attention to the public, with diverse needs, in tourism and leisure, in collaboration with entities public, foundations and private companies in the sector.
We believe that this program contributes to the normalization of tourism for people with disabilities and with accessibility needs in general.
Our goal is that they can use and enjoy, like the rest of the population, the environments, products, services and cultural assets of any tourist destination.
TUR4all, “Accessible Tourism for All”, is a collaborative platform (mobile application and web page) created by PREDIF with the support of the Spanish Secretary of State for Tourism. Its objective is to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the accessibility of hotels, restaurants, museums and monuments, natural spaces, beaches, adapted transport, destinations and experiences, among others. Those who have the best accessibility conditions obtain the TUR4all badge. It is implemented in Spain and Portugal, and available in 11 languages. More information in: www.tur4all.com.