Reduced mobility
Visual disability
Hearing impairment
Cognitive impairment
Other accessibility needs
The Joaquín Sorolla train station is located in the center of the city of Valencia, on Calle San Vicente Martir, number 171. Its hours are from Monday to Saturday (except holidays) from 5:45 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., on Sundays and holidays from 6:45 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. It offers high-speed service to cities such as Alicante, Barcelona or Madrid, among others.
The station has a service for disabled travellers, a cafeteria, a restaurant, toilets, parking areas, lifts, a lobby in the shopping area and platforms adapted for people with reduced mobility. It has the Atendo service of permanent assistance, for people with reduced mobility.
It is classified as a Dialogue station, which means that its services and facilities are adapted to the needs of deaf and hearing impaired people.
Station information (+34) 912 432 343
Renfe: Information, reservation, sale, change and cancellation of tickets (+34) 912 320 320
Attention travelers with disabilities (+34) 912 140 505