Reduced mobility
Visual disability
Hearing impairment
Cognitive impairment
Other accessibility needs
Metrovalencia provides service through 137 stations, stops and halts for a total of 9 lines, six metro lines and three tram lines.
The service hours are:
From Monday to Friday: From 06:00 to 24:00 hours.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: From 07:00 to 24:00 hours.
Friday and Saturday night service: until 03:00 a.m.
All the stations and stops on the network have an adapted route with ramps and lifts, with the exception of the València Sud station.
The Valencia metro lifts have remote controls as technical assistance for people with reduced mobility. The stations that have control are: Colón, Xátiva, Quart de Poblet, Salt de L'Aigua, Pl. Espanya, Av. del Cid, Nou D'Octubre, À. Guimerà, Benimaclet and Facultats.
As for the accesses from the platform to the train or tram, the stations that have a platform are: Aeroport, Alameda, Alboraya – Palmaret, Alboraya - Peris Aragó, Amistat - Casa de Salud, Àngel Guimerà, Aragón, Av. del Cid, Ayora , Benaguassil 2n, Beniferri, Benimaclet, Benimàmet, Bétera, Campanar, Colón, Empalme, Facultats, Faitanar, Jesús, L´Eliana, La Canyada, La Cova, La Presa, Les Carolines – Fira, Llíria, Machado, Manises, Marítim – Sawmill, Masia de Traver, Mislata, Mislata – Almassil, Nou d´Octubre, Paiporta, Paterna, Patraix, Pl. Espanya, Quart de Poblet, Riba-roja de Túria, Rosas, Safranar, Salt de l´Aigua, Santa Rita, Torrent Avinguda, Túria and Xàtiva.
Wheelchairs, electric chairs and scooters, for the purposes of current regulations, must comply with the maximum length and width dimensions of 1,300 by 700 millimeters.
Regarding communication devices for people with hearing disabilities, the following stations have a magnetic loop on the platforms: Alboraya – Palmaret, Alboraya – Peris Aragó, Benimàmet, Les Carolines – Fira, Espais del Client de Colón and Xàtiva.