Renfe Cercanías

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DISABILITY TRAVELERS ATTENTION: 912 140 505 / STATION INFO: 912 432 343 / RENFE INFO: 912 320 320

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Links of interest

  • Schedules
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  • Lines and Stations
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  • Line map
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  • App moovit Cercanías para Android y iPhone (al final del enlace)
    See more
  • Moovit Feve app for Android and iPhone (at the end of the link)
    See more

Services available for people with:

Movilidad reducida

Reduced mobility

Discapacidad visual

Visual disability

Discapacidad auditiva

Hearing impairment

Discapacidad cognitiva

Cognitive impairment

Otras necesidades de accesibilidad

Other accessibility needs


Renfe Cercanías (Renfe Aldiriak Bilbo in Basque) operates the suburban public transport network by rail in Bilbao and other towns under its influence. Through various connection points with other railways and bus lines, it is integrated into the city's suburban core, along with the networks of other operators, such as Metro Bilbao and Euskotren.

As a whole, it is made up of three lines (C-1, C-2 and C-3), which start at the Bilbao Abando station. The C-1 line runs the Bilbao Abando - Santurce line, the C-2 Bilbao Abando - Musques line and the C-3 Bilbao Abando - Orduña. The frequency of passage oscillates between 10-15 minutes in the common sections and 20-30 minutes in the lines without a common trunk.

For its part, the Renfe division, Feve, also has two regional lines that cover the routes: Bilbao-Balmaseda (line C1F) and Bilbao-Karrantza (line C2F), operating from Bilbao Concordia station.