Autobuses urbanos

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(+34) 985181080

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Services available for people with:

Movilidad reducida

Reduced mobility

Discapacidad visual

Visual disability

Discapacidad auditiva

Hearing impairment

Discapacidad cognitiva

Cognitive impairment

Otras necesidades de accesibilidad

Other accessibility needs


The urban bus in the city of Gijón is run by the company EMTUSA. It has 18 regular lines and 4 night service lines, known as owls.
The single ticket costs €1.25 and allows transfers between lines for 45 minutes (check other rates).
With regard to accessibility for people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility, Gijón buses have the following equipment:
Automatic ramp and ramp embedded in the ground with a suspension system to adapt to the height of the track.
Public address system, the entrance door has a loudspeaker to report the line that the bus is making and its destination.
Inside the bus there is a public address system whose announcement informs of the next stop to be made and correspondence with other lines.
On-board screens at the front of the bus show basic information on the line the vehicle is traveling on and a thermometer with the stops in order of arrival.

Attached files

Icono hoja

Map of the bus lines
