Vehículos de alquiler adaptados

Icono enlaces de interés

Links of interest

Services available for people with:

Movilidad reducida

Reduced mobility

Discapacidad visual

Visual disability

Discapacidad auditiva

Hearing impairment

Discapacidad cognitiva

Cognitive impairment

Otras necesidades de accesibilidad

Other accessibility needs


In the city of Barcelona, ​​and the metropolitan area, there are several entities and car rental companies that have minibuses, coaches and adapted cars. Reserve parking spaces for private use located on public roads are recognized because they incorporate the international symbol of accessibility and bear the registration number of the vehicle of the owner of said space. Other people are prohibited from parking in them.
In the center of Barcelona there are no free parking spaces on public roads. In the so-called "green areas" only the vehicles of residents in the area can park, while the "blue areas" are parking areas with installment payment for parking time. Holders of the official European Union parking card for people with disabilities can park their vehicles free of charge for the time necessary to carry out their activities, always leaving the card visible. Likewise, they can also park in the loading and unloading areas with the same conditions.