Metro Bilbao. Euskotren Metro L3

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Services available for people with:

Movilidad reducida

Reduced mobility

Discapacidad visual

Visual disability

Discapacidad auditiva

Hearing impairment

Discapacidad cognitiva

Cognitive impairment

Otras necesidades de accesibilidad

Other accessibility needs


The Bilbao metro consists of two main lines. Starting from Basauri to the south, both share a large central body that crosses the Bilbao municipality, dividing into San Ignacio, to run along both banks of the river.

Built just over 20 years ago, it was designed under accessibility criteria, avoiding architectural barriers and installing short and safe accesses for all users. For more information see the accessibility link and the attached brochure.

On the other hand, since 2017, the regional public company Euskotren has managed line L3 (Matiko-Kukullaga/Etxebarri) which also connects the Txorierri line and the general line (Bilbao-Donostia-Hendaia and Bilbao-Bermeo). The high level of accessibility is explained in the link Accessibility Line 3

Attached files

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Bilbao Metro Accessibility Brochure
